I still remember that day you left..
I lost you....I don't know why??
I saw you lying on the floor...
Cold and lifeless you were...
With shaking hands and stoned eyes I touched you..
"She is alive....Daddy she is alive" I shouted...
Everyone told me you were dead but I couldn't believe it,
"She can't leave me..she promised...she will always be there" I mumbled..
I touched your wrinkled hand, drops of blood fell on my hand..
I heard you saying "I am leaving this body my dear but I will always live inside you"
Dressed like a bride, you looked beautiful...
Like an angel your face was glowing,
That was your last journey with everyone...
It's been more than 3 years,
And I still can feel you....
I still carry your heart in.... "my heart"
I love you "Amma"