If only you could know
How much i love you
You could see it right through my eyes

If only you could know
How much i care
You could feel it in my arms
If only you could touch me
you could feel passion
running through me n u
If only feelings could sing
you could hear
the sweet song of love
If only dark night sets
you could see
my love beating countless beats for you
If only you were mine
you could see
our life would shine
IF only!
How much i love you
You could see it right through my eyes

If only you could know
How much i care
You could feel it in my arms
If only you could touch me
you could feel passion
running through me n u
If only feelings could sing
you could hear
the sweet song of love
If only dark night sets
you could see
my love beating countless beats for you
If only you were mine
you could see
our life would shine
IF only!